I don't know a great deal about Jacqueline Auriol. I came across her name a few years ago while reading about some of the men and women responsible for the many "firsts" in aviation. Turns out she was one of the first female test pilots, set at least five world speed records, and was one of the first people to fly the Concorde. WOW, I thought. And all that after taking up flying at the age of 30. Remarkable!
I later stumbled upon her auto-biography, 'I Live to Fly', and found the above quotation, part of which forms the title for this blog. I have to agree that there is a "little touch of madness" inside most pilots, some indefinable quality that pushes one to experience life in a way few others are able to imagine. This is not to say that this 'touch' is exclusive to the pilot and I can think of plenty of other occupations or pastimes which would qualify for inclusion in the Madness Club. Matadors, window washers, crab fishermen, racecar drivers, and those brave souls who participate in the winter sport of skeleton are just a few who choose to live sizeable chucks of their existence in ways that others would find less than appealing. And yes, I'm quite happy to be able to count myself a member of this group.
For the past three years I have been working towards a single goal - a career in the aviation industry. It started, as it must, with the Private Pilot License, continued on to the Commercial Pilot License and now after many long nights of study and toil, I'm on my way to becoming a Flight Instructor. Yipeee! A written exam, a practical flight test, and a successful interview are all that stand in my way. The ultimate goal is a left seat on a major airline, and while I realize that a few rungs of the proverbial career ladder will need to be climbed, I like a good challenge and look forward to the journey.
I have no intention of stating exactly what this blog will be comprised of. In all likelihood it will include thoughts on the job of a flight instructor, the Canadian aviation industry, and all sorts of other pilot related goodies. Occcasional rants will also be included. My hope is that these pages provide an inside look into the career of a professional pilot. Everyone has to start somewhere, and I'm just about ready. Here we go....
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